Charnia 'Het Laatste Licht'
Belgian post-metal band Charnia released their most recent work on 20 October: the forty-minute unbroken track "Het Laatste Licht". Grossly, the album-length song is split into two vague sections. For the first half or so, it’s a chamber music session comprised of a violin and double bass duo where lazy and languid voices interweave to form a droning piece, between melancholy and despair.
The second half starts past the twenty-minute mark with a drumbeat that is soon joined by the rest of the band. For the remaining time, strings and electrics join forces in a slow, heavy, and pounding post-metal session. It’s worth mentioning the strong fragrances of doom metal and post-rock in the emerging music, which almost, but not exactly, falls under the drone jurisdiction. 'Het Laatste Licht' is a beautiful tapestry of metal wire sewn into canvas.